giovedì 14 marzo 2013

a Fairy Tale

Andrea Deriu IB ITI Alghero 

Little Red Riding Hood
Once upon a time, in a little house lives a little girl. She always wears a red riding hood so she is called “Little Red Riding Hood”. She plays in the garden and her mum asks her to take a basket to Granny because she is not well. Little Red walks along the path because she likes to pick the flowers but here she meets a black Wolf. The Wolf asks her “Where are you going?”. She answers “I’m going to Granny”. The Wolf say Her “Do you pick some flowers for Granny?” and He runs to Granny’s. Little Red picks some flowers but the Wolf arrive to Granny’s, he gets into the window and he eats poor Granny. When Little Red Riding Hood arrive to Granny’s, she knocks the door and the Wolf say her “Came in Little girl”. Little Red gets into the home and goes to the Wolf but she confused asks Wolf “What big eyes you have!” “All the better to see you with!” answers the Wolf. “What big ears have you got!” “All the better to hear you with!”. “What big mouth have you got!” “All the better to eat you with!” and the hungry Wolf eats Little Red too. He falls a sleep but finally a hunter passes near Granny’s home and he hears the Wolf snoring. He enters and  with his knife open the Wolf, Granny and Little Red Riding Hood get out the stomach. Everyone is Happy now. The end.

Davide Canu 1 b

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